
There is Nothing New Under the Sun

Those that forget the past are doomed to repeat it…understand the revelation of God…we are made in his image and likeness…and we are the same today, yesterday and forever in his eyes to those that choose him.

Rappers are poets, engineers are pyramid builders, hetero and homo sexual sins have always been around…the media is the light shining on those dark places of the soul. The Bible said that there would be a great falling away from the faith, Kings doing evil in the sight of the Lord then and falling men and women of God now. Communication is communication! Passing messages, orally or via scrolls then or email and texting now. Politics of babylon then and politics of the New world order in the UN now. The Evil of Slavery  as portrayed by 400 yrs of israeli and 400 yrs of blacks then, Worldwide Sex Slavery Now. Martyred like the Apostles John then or Assasinated like MLK now.

Man thought they were God then by the tower of babel…and they think so now with atheistic thoughts or the worship of limited reasoning…pagans then and new age religion now…idol worshippers then and one God/many gods and many faiths now, Child sacrifice then, abortion now…the methods have changed but what remains constant is God and His Creation (Man) with only the ability to recreate from his creation (hope you got it) as man does not have the ability too create anything living but is a walking conduit to speakbirth things into existence which was already in the ancient mind of God.

War then, war now…love then, love now…an acceleration of evil as in the times of sodom, gommorah and Lot then…an acceleration of evil through pornography, mysoginy, murder, infidelity, apathy and lying now…Sorcery and witchraft then, Harry Potter, twighlight and Drugs (casting spells) now. Blindness to the coming judgement of sin then as it was in the times of noah… and blindess to sin with the veil of the media and the coming Judgement of Christ now…this is the way of sorrows as the earth groans and contracts with a stirring of floods, tsunamis and earthquakes for the triumphant return of Christ and the restored Garden of eden (which is the barren land of Iraq now)…dont forget your past as you will be doomed to repeat it…

A man who eats from the tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil bears the fruit of very wise humanism yet when they die their god (mind) dies too with no power to ressurrect itself. Remember, people forget how smart you are but always remember the way you loved them for generations to come….In contrast, when one eats from the tree of Life they bear the fruit of the spirit which is eternal and shows power beyond the grave…those that forget the past and eat the lotus flower of sin are stuck in time and will repeat it…TIME OUT FOR CHURCH…wake up (in my spike lee voice) Study God, Its raining…accept the love Christ…its raining… and apply it to your life…its raining…get onboard before the Ark of Christ is Closed – Pastor Andre Martin

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